Plot: Shadowrun Chronicles: Boston Lockdown was a turn-based tactical video game developed by Cliffhanger Productions and published by Nordic Games as part of Jordan Weisman's cyberpunk Shadowrun fictional universe. Wikipedia
Plot: Grezzo 2 is a first-person shooter video game developed by Italian game designer Nicola Piro and released in 2012. The game is a total conversion modification of the 1993 video game Doom and its development began in the early 2000s, with the version called Grezzo 1, when Nicola Piro attended high school...
Plot: Strife is a first-person shooter role-playing video game developed by Rogue Entertainment. It was released in May 1996 in North America by Velocity Inc. and in Europe by Studio 3DO. The shareware version was released on February 23, 1996, while the full version was released on May 31, 1996. Wikipedia...
Plot: Chex Quest is a non-violent first-person shooter video game created in 1996 by Digital Café as a Chex cereal promotion aimed at children aged 6 9 and up. It is a total conversion of the more violent video game Doom. Wikipedia
Plot: Heretic is a dark fantasy first-person shooter video game released in 1994. It was developed by Raven Software and published by id Software through GT Interactive. The game was released on Steam on August 3, 2007. Wikipedia
Plot: DRL, short for Doom, the Roguelike, is a roguelike video game developed by ChaosForge based on the first-person shooters Doom and Doom II. Wikipedia
Plot: Alien Arena is a free, stand-alone first-person shooter computer game. Begun by COR Entertainment in 2004, the game combines a 1950s-era sci-fi atmosphere with gameplay similar to the Quake, Doom, and Unreal Tournament series. Wikipedia
Plot: Hexen: Beyond Heretic is a dark fantasy first-person shooter video game developed by Raven Software and published by id Software through GT Interactive Software on October 30, 1995. It is the sequel to 1994's Heretic, and the second game in Raven Software's Serpent Riders trilogy, which culminated...