Plot: Uno Free Fall is a 2006 puzzle game released on the Game Boy Advance and mobile phone based on the card game Uno. It is also included on the Nintendo DS 3-in-1 game, Uno / Skip-Bo / Uno Freefall. It was released in the PAL Region on March 2, 2007. It was released in North America on March 6, 2007....
Plot: Betty Boop's Double Shift is a puzzle game, developed and published by DSI Games. The game is based on the popular Betty Boop cartoon series. Wikipedia
Plot: Lionel Trains: On Track is a video game released for the Nintendo DS on December 6, 2006, licensed by Lionel Trains. The gameplay is very similar to Sid Meier's Railroad Tycoon series of computer games. Wikipedia
Plot: Battleship/Connect Four/Sorry!/Trouble is a compilation video game developed by British studio Gravity-I and published by DSI Games. It was released for Nintendo DS in North America on August 17, 2006. Wikipedia
Plot: Command and Destroy is a real-time strategy video game developed by Cypron Studios and published by Destination Software Inc. and Zoo Digital Publishing for the Nintendo DS. Wikipedia
Plot: Elements of Destruction is a video game developed by Frozen Codebase for Windows and Nintendo DS and was released on Xbox Live Arcade on June 18, 2008. Wikipedia