Plot: Umineko When They Cry is a Japanese dΕjin soft visual novel series produced by 07th Expansion. Its first episode debuted at Comiket 72 for Windows on August 17, 2007. The story focuses on a group of eighteen people on a secluded island for a period of two days, and the mysterious murders that befall...
Plot: Umineko: Golden Fantasia, known in Japan as just Golden Fantasia, is a 2D versus fighting game developed and published by 07th Expansion. It is a spin-off of the Umineko When They Cry murder mystery visual novel series and was originally released at Comiket 79 on December 31, 2010. Wikipedia
Plot: Ciconia When They Cry is an episodic visual novel game series in development by 07th Expansion, collectively considered the fifth entry in the When They Cry series, following Higurashi and Umineko. It follows people trying to prevent the outbreak of World War IV. Wikipedia