Plot: Ultima Online is a fantasy massively multiplayer online role-playing game released on September 24, 1997 by Origin Systems. Set in the Ultima universe, it is known for its extensive player versus player combat system. Wikipedia
Plot: Ultima X: Odyssey was to be a massively multiplayer online role-playing game based in the Ultima universe, developed by Origin Systems for Electronic Arts. Wikipedia
Plot: Lord of Ultima was a free-to-play, browser-based, massively multiplayer real-time strategy video game by Electronic Arts. The game started a beta test on April 20, 2010 and was developed by EA Phenomic. Wikipedia
Plot: Ultima: Worlds of Adventure 2: Martian Dreams is a role-playing video game set in the Ultima series, published in 1991, and re-released for Windows and Mac OS via in 2012. It uses the same engine as Ultima VI, as did the first Worlds of Ultima game, The Savage Empire. Wikipedia
Plot: Akalabeth: World of Doom is a role-playing video game that had a limited release in 1979 and was then published by California Pacific Computer Company for the Apple II in 1980. Wikipedia