Plot: KHangMan is an educational computer game designed for young children based on the classic Hangman game. It is part of the KDE Software Compilation, specifically, in the kdeedu package. The application features four themes. In the sea theme, each incorrect guess makes a lighthouse project another piece...
Plot: Tux Typing is a free and open source typing tutor created especially for children. It features several different types of game play, at a variety of difficulty levels. It is designed to be fun and to improve words per minute speed of typists. Wikipedia
Plot: KGeography is a Free and open source educational software game that tests students geographical knowledge. It forms part of KDE SC 4. Current version ships with KDE Education Project 3.5. Wikipedia
Plot: Tux Racer is a 2000 open-source winter sports racing video game starring the Linux mascot, Tux the penguin. It was originally developed by Jasmin Patry as a computer graphics project in a Canadian university. Wikipedia
Plot: SuperTuxKart is a free and open-source kart racing game, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3. It features mascots of various open-source projects. SuperTuxKart is cross-platform, running on Linux, macOS, Windows, and Android systems. Wikipedia
Plot: SuperTux is a free and open-source two-dimensional platform video game published under the GNU General Public License. The game was inspired by Nintendo's Super Mario Bros. series; instead of Mario, the hero in the game is Tux, the official mascot of the Linux kernel. Wikipedia
Plot: Pingus is an open-source video game programmed by German developer Ingo Ruhnke. It is a clone of Lemmings with penguins instead of lemmings. Wikipedia