Plot: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies is a visual novel adventure video game developed and published by Capcom. It is the fifth main entry in the Ace Attorney series, and was originally released for the Nintendo 3DS in 2013, with iOS and Android versions following in 2014 and 2017. Wikipedia...
Plot: The Great Ace Attorney: The Adventure of Ryūnosuke Naruhodō is an adventure game in the Ace Attorney series, developed and published by Capcom. It was directed and produced by Shu Takumi and Shintaro Kojima, respectively. Wikipedia
Plot: The Great Ace Attorney 2: The Resolve of Ryūnosuke Naruhodō is an adventure game in the Ace Attorney series and the sequel to The Great Ace Attorney: The Adventure of Ryūnosuke Naruhodō, developed and published by Capcom. It was directed and produced by Shu Takumi. Wikipedia
Plot: Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney is a visual novel adventure video game developed by Capcom. It is the fourth title in the Ace Attorney series, and was released for the Nintendo DS handheld game console in Japan in 2007 and in the West in 2008, for iOS and Android in 2016, and for the Nintendo 3DS in 2017...
Plot: Gyakuten Kenji 2, unofficially known as Ace Attorney Investigations 2, is an adventure video game developed by Capcom. It was released in Japan for the Nintendo DS in 2011 and for Android and iOS in 2017. Wikipedia
Plot: Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth is a 2009 adventure video game developed and published by Capcom. It was originally released for the Nintendo DS in Japan in 2009, and internationally in 2010, and later for iOS and Android in 2017. Wikipedia
Plot: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney is a visual novel adventure game developed by Capcom Production Studio 4 and published by Capcom. It was released in 2001 for the Game Boy Advance in Japan and has been ported to multiple platforms. Wikipedia
Plot: Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney is a visual novel adventure puzzle video game for the Nintendo 3DS, and was developed by both Capcom and Level-5, the latter publishing it in Japan while Nintendo published it worldwide. Wikipedia
Plot: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy is a remake compiling the first 3 entries; Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, Justice For All and Trials and Tribulations, into a single package. The game has redone sprites and music based off the iOS version. It was ported to the Nintendo Switch in 2019.