Plot: Super Troll Islands is a platform game based on the license of bright-haired toys known as Troll dolls. A Sega Genesis version was planned but never released. Wikipedia
Plot: Superfrog is a scrolling 2D platform game, originally developed for the Amiga and published in 1993 by Team17. Later releases were handled by Ocean Software and Wikipedia
Plot: Turrican II: The Final Fight is the second game of the Turrican series. The game, developed by Factor 5 was released in 1991 for the Commodore Amiga. This version was finished before the C64 version, but Manfred Trenz cites the C64 version as the original design. Wikipedia
Plot: Zool: Ninja of the Nth Dimension is a platform game originally produced for the Amiga by Gremlin Graphics in 1992. It was later ported to several other platforms and followed by Zool 2 in 1993. Wikipedia