Plot: Touhou Luna Nights is a Metroidvania Touhou Project fangame developed by Team Ladybug in 2018 for Microsoft Windows, released through Steam Early Access. The game was later ported to Xbox One and Nintendo Switch. In Touhou Luna Nights, Sakuya Izayoi is sent to a parallel universe, and is stripped of...
Plot: Touhou Hyouibana ~ The Antinomy of Common Flowers, often abbreviated to AoCF, is a fighting video game developed by Twilight Frontier and published by Team Shanghai Alice for Microsoft Windows in 2017. Wikipedia
Plot: Touhou Koumakyou ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil. is a vertical scrolling shooter and the sixth official game of the Touhou Project series. Embodiment of Scarlet Devil was the first Touhou game to be released for the Windows operating system, and the first to be published by Team Shanghai Alice....
Plot: Touhou Kanjuden ~ Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom. is a scrolling shooter game developed and published by Team Shanghai Alice. It is the 15th installment to the Touhou Project series. The demo was first released on May 10, 2015 with a full release on August 14, 2015 at Comiket 88. It was released on Steam...