Plot: Totally Spies! 2: Undercover is a 2006 video game developed by Canadian studio Mistic Software based on the French anime-influenced animated television series Totally Spies!. This game was published by Atari, and was released for the Game Boy Advance and the Nintendo DS. Wikipedia
Plot: Totally Spies! is a 2005 video game developed by Canadian studio Mistic Software, based on the French anime-influenced animated television series Totally Spies!. The game's storyline is loosely based on the first three seasons of the show. Wikipedia
Plot: Best of Tests DS is an educational video game released for Nintendo DS in North America on March 4, 2008. The game intends to present tests and puzzles that will help stimulate one's Intelligent Quotient or IQ through five categories: logic, observation, memory, speed of perception and analysis. Wikipedia...
Plot: Elements of Destruction is a video game developed by Frozen Codebase for Windows and Nintendo DS and was released on Xbox Live Arcade on June 18, 2008. Wikipedia