Plot: Battles of Prince of Persia is a turn-based tactics video game for the Nintendo DS handheld console in which the player takes the role of different characters from the Prince of Persia world, including the titular Prince. Wikipedia
Plot: Dead 'n' Furious is a rail shooter/survival horror game for the Nintendo DS developed by French company Dream On Studio. The game was originally published by Virgin Play in Europe as one of their first published games, and was later co-published by Eidos Interactive and V.2 Play in North America. Wikipedia...
Plot: Top Trumps Adventures: Horror and Predators is a video game for the DS, PC and PlayStation 2 consoles, based on the popular Top Trumps card game. It was published by Ubisoft. This release is the sister title to Top Trumps Adventures: Dogs and Dinosaurs, and is part of the Top Trumps Adventures series...
Plot: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3: Mutant Nightmare is a video game published by Konami for the PlayStation 2, GameCube, Xbox, and Nintendo DS, based on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003 TV series. Wikipedia
Plot: Meteos is a tile-matching video game developed by Q Entertainment and published by Bandai for the Nintendo DS. The game was released worldwide in 2005; it was produced by Q Entertainment founder Tetsuya Mizuguchi and designed by Masahiro Sakurai. Wikipedia