Plot: Champions of Anteria is a single-player action role-playing game for Microsoft Windows. Developed by Blue Byte and published by Ubisoft, the game was released in August 2016. In October, Blue Byte released two expansions; The Alchemist and The Beastmaster, featuring new characters and buildings. Wikipedia...
Plot: The Settlers II (10th Anniversary), is a city-building game with real-time strategy elements, developed by Blue Byte and published by Ubisoft. Released for Microsoft Windows in September 2006, it is a remake of The Settlers II. Wikipedia
Plot: The Settlers 7: Paths to a Kingdom is a city-building game with real-time strategy elements, developed by Blue Byte and published by Ubisoft. Released for Microsoft Windows and macOS in March 2010, it is the seventh game in The Settlers series. Wikipedia
Plot: The Settlers: Heritage of Kings, released as Heritage of Kings: The Settlers in North America, is a real-time strategy video game developed by Blue Byte and published by Ubisoft. Wikipedia
Plot: The Settlers: Rise of an Empire is a city-building game with real-time strategy elements, developed by Blue Byte and published by Ubisoft. Released for Microsoft Windows in September 2007, it is the sixth game in The Settlers series. Wikipedia