Plot: The Powerpuff Girls: Relish Rampage is an action-adventure video game developed by VIS Entertainment and published by Bam! Entertainment, based upon the animated series The Powerpuff Girls on Cartoon Network. It was released on the PlayStation 2 and was later for the GameCube with added gameplay. Wikipedia...
Plot: The Powerpuff Girls: Bad Mojo Jojo is a 2000 2D platform game developed by Sennari Interactive and published by Bay Area Multimedia for the Game Boy Color. It is based on the Powerpuff Girls, a cartoon series on Cartoon Network, and is the first game of a three-game series. Wikipedia
Plot: The Powerpuff Girls: Paint the Townsville Green is a 2D platform game developed by American studio Sennari Interactive and published by Bay Area Multimedia for the Game Boy Color. It is based on The Powerpuff Girls animated series on Cartoon Network, and is the second game of a three-game series. Wikipedia...
Plot: Tom and Jerry in Fists of Furry is a fighting video game for the Nintendo 64 and Microsoft Windows. It was developed by VIS Interactive and published by NewKidCo on November 12, 2000. It is based on the classic Tom and Jerry animated television series. Wikipedia
Plot: Cartoon Network Racing is a racing video game developed by Eutechnyx for PlayStation 2 and Firebrand Games for Nintendo DS, published by Danish video game developer The Game Factory, and released on December 4, 2006, in North America, and on February 9, 2007, in Europe. Wikipedia
Plot: Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit is a video game developed by Frontier Developments and published by Konami. It was released for the PlayStation 2 and Xbox consoles, and for the mobile phone. A Nintendo GameCube version was in development, but was later canceled for unknown reasons. Wikipedia...
Plot: Loons: The Fight for Fame is a cel-shaded fighting video game based on the classic Looney Tunes series. It was developed by Warthog Games, published by Infogrames, and released for the Xbox in 2002. Wikipedia
Plot: Xena: Warrior Princess: The Talisman of Fate is a 1999 fighting video game developed by Saffire and published by Titus Interactive for the Nintendo 64. It is based on the television series, Xena: Warrior Princess, which aired from 1995 to 2001. Wikipedia
Plot: Dexter's Laboratory: Mandark's Lab? is an action-adventure video game released on March 2, 2002, for the Sony PlayStation and based on the American animated television series Dexter's Laboratory, which aired on Cartoon Network in the United States. Wikipedia