Plot: Confidential Mission is a light gun game published by Sega, first available as an arcade game, then ported to the Dreamcast. The game is in the same style as the Virtua Cop series or The House of the Dead series, with support for one or two players. Wikipedia
Plot: Virtua Cop 3 is the third and final game from Sega's Virtua Cop light gun shooter franchise released exclusively for video arcades in 2003. The game is available in standard and deluxe cabinet formats and runs on Sega Chihiro arcade hardware. A port for the Xbox was planned, but cancelled. Wikipedia...
Plot: The Ocean Hunter is a 1998 shooting gallery game developed and published by Sega. The Ocean Hunter runs on Sega Model 3 hardware. The cabinet features artistic renditions of the bosses of the game, some with faux Greek names:Οχτοπυσ; Λεϖιατηαν and Χψχλοπσ.. Wikipedia
Plot: Ninja Assault is an arcade game developed and released by Namco and Sega in 2000. Two years later it was also published as a PlayStation 2 exclusive title with GunCon 2 compatibility. Wikipedia
Plot: Death Crimson OX is a light gun shooting game developed by Ecole. It was released in arcades in 2000 then ported to the Dreamcast console in 2001, several months after Sega had dropped support for the console. It is the third game in the Death Crimson series, and the only one to be released outside...
Plot: Inu no Osanpo, is a dog walking simulation game developed by Wow Entertainment and published by Sega for the Sega NAOMI arcade system in 2001. Players walk a virtual dog by walking on a treadmill and control the pet with a leash attached to a plastic dog in front of the player. The game was only released...