Plot: The Guy Game is an adult video game developed by Topheavy Studios and published by Gathering of Developers, released for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 2, and Xbox in 2004. Presented in a trivia gameshow style supporting up to four players, it consists of about 1,000 questions spread out over 20 episodes...
Plot: BMX XXX is a sports video game developed by Z-Axis and published by Acclaim Entertainment under their AKA Acclaim label for the Xbox, PlayStation 2 and GameCube. While primarily a BMX-based action sports title, it earned most of its notoriety for containing nudity, foul language and adult humor. Wikipedia...
Plot: Sakura Spirit is a 2014 visual novel by British indie developer Winged Cloud and published by Sekai Project. The game was released on 9 July 2014 on Steam and MangaGamer. It is one of the few visual novels that are developed outside Japan and aimed at the English-speaking market. Wikipedia