Plot: Ghost of a Tale is an independent action role-playing video game developed primarily by game designer and DreamWorks and Universal Pictures veteran Lionel Seith Gallat. The title was funded by a successful Indiegogo crowd-funding campaign which ran from April May 2013, raising 48,700. Wikipedia
Plot: Armello is a digital role-playing strategy board game developed by Australian independent game studio League of Geeks as their debut project. Announced as an iPad title in September 2012, the game has been in development since mid-2011, with music by composers Lisa Gerrard and Michael Allen. Wikipedia...
Plot: The Flame in the Flood is a roguelike survival adventure video game developed by The Molasses Flood. The game was developed for Microsoft Windows, macOS, and Xbox One. A PlayStation 4 version was released on January 17, 2017. A Nintendo Switch version was released on October 12, 2017. Wikipedia