Plot: The Jungle Book Groove Party is a music rhythm video game developed by Ubi Soft Montreal and Ubi Soft Shanghai and published by Ubi Soft for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation, and PlayStation 2. Wikipedia
Plot: Batman: Chaos in Gotham is a video game that was released in 2001 by Ubisoft for the Nintendo Game Boy Color. It is based on The New Batman Adventures. Wikipedia
Plot: Aliens: Thanatos Encounter is a 2001 shooter video game developed by Wicked Witch Software and based on the Alien science-fiction horror film series. It was published by THQ and released for the Game Boy Color handheld game console. Wikipedia
Plot: Dexter's Laboratory: Robot Rampage is an action video game published by Bay Area Multimedia for the Game Boy Color and released in the United States on November 14, 2000. Wikipedia
Plot: Gold and Glory: The Road to El Dorado is an adventure video game developed by Revolution Software. An adaptation of the film The Road to El Dorado, it was released on Game Boy Color, Microsoft Windows and PlayStation. Wikipedia
Plot: Lego Stunt Rally is a Lego-themed racing video game for Microsoft Windows and Game Boy Color. Developed by Intelligent Games for PC and Graphic State for Game Boy Color and published by Lego Media, the game features a track editor that allows players to build single-player and multiplayer tracks. Wikipedia...
Plot: Bugs Bunny: Crazy Castle 3, is a platform game developed by Kemco as part of the Crazy Castle series. It was originally released as a Japan-exclusive Game Boy title in July 1997 called Soreike!! Kid: Go! Go! Kid starring the character Kid Klown. Wikipedia
Plot: Lego Alpha Team is a 2000 puzzle video game developed by Digital Domain and published by Lego Media in September 2000 for Microsoft Windows. A Game Boy Color adaption of the game was developed by Climax Studios and published in November 2000. It was originally known by its working title Lego Action...