Plot: White Day: A Labyrinth Named School, known as in Korea, is a survival-horror game developed and published by Korean game development studio Sonnori in 2001. The game was remade in 2015 by ROI Games, and was directed and produced by the former CEO of Sonnori. Wikipedia
Plot: Visage is an independent psychological horror video game by SadSquare Studio. Set in a strangely-structured house with a somber history, players control Dwayne Anderson as he explores the backstories of the inhabitants that once lived there. Wikipedia
Plot: Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy is a platform video game developed by Bennett Foddy. The game was released as part of the October 2017 Humble Monthly, on October 6, 2017 where it went on to be played by over 2.7 million players. A Steam version of the game was later released by Foddy on December...