Plot: The Coma: Cutting Class is a 2015 horror video game published by Devespresso Games. It was originally released in 2015, and a remastered edition titled The Coma: Recut was released on PC and consoles in 2017. Wikipedia
Plot: Seum: Speedrunners from Hell is an independent video game developed by Pine Studio and published by Headup Games. It was released on Steam on July 28, 2016, on Xbox One in September 2017, on PlayStation 4 in October 2017 and onto on October 12, 2018. Wikipedia
Plot: The Textorcist: The Story of Ray Bibbia is a hybrid bullet hell and typing video game developed by Italian studio Morbidware and published by Headup Games. It was released on February 14, 2019 for Windows on the Steam client. The game revolves around an ex-priest who is also a freelance exorcist. Wikipedia...