Plot: NiBiRu: Age of Secrets is a 2005 adventure game developed by Future Games and published by The Adventure Company. According to Future's Martin Malik, it sold roughly 200,000 units by 2009. Wikipedia
Plot: Delaware St. John is the collective name given to a series of three adventure games produced by Big Time Games, which was founded in 2004. Lighthouse Interactive was the retail publisher for these adventure games. The story follows the adventures of psychic ghost hunting detective Delaware St. John...
Plot: Darkness Within: In Pursuit of Loath Nolder is a first-person 3D adventure / horror thriller video game. It takes place in an imaginary Lovecraftian place called Wellsmoth. As police detective Howard E. Loreid, players are tasked to solve the murder of Clark Field, a wealthy man involved in the occult...
Plot: The Westerner is a graphic adventure game developed by Revistronic. It was published in late 2003 in Spain by Planeta DeAgostini. In 2004, it was published worldwide, including in the US, where it was renamed Wanted: A Wild Western Adventure. Set in the Wild West, it is the sequel to 3 Skulls of the...
Plot: Tony Tough and the Night of Roasted Moths is a 1999 adventure game developed by Nayma Software. The game's first appearance was in December 1997 in Torino during the multimedia event Saloon.bit at Nayma ... Wikipedia
Plot: Dark Fall is a 2002 first-person psychological horror/adventure game developed and independently published for Microsoft Windows by Jonathan Boakes, under the XXv Productions label. Wikipedia
Plot: Secret Files: Tunguska is a 2006 Graphic adventure video game developed by German studios Fusionsphere Systems and Animation Arts and published by Deep Silver for Microsoft Windows, Nintendo DS, Wii, iOS, Android, Wii U and Nintendo Switch. Wikipedia
Plot: Runaway: A Road Adventure is a 2001 graphic adventure game developed by the Spanish company Pendulo Studios and published by Dinamic Multimedia. Wikipedia
Plot: Tony Tough 2: A Rake's Progress is a 2006 Windows adventure game designed by Stefano Gualeni and published by Dtp-entertainment. It is the sequel to Tony Tough and the Night of Roasted Moths. Wikipedia
Plot: Ankh is a 2005 graphic adventure game developed by the German company Deck13 and published by bhv Software. It features a three-dimensional environment with cinematic camera movement. Humor is an important aspect of the game, and the influence of classic LucasArts adventure games is noticeable. Wikipedia...
Plot: 7 dní a 7 nocí is a 1994 Czech adventure game released on MS-DOS through Petr Vochozka's Vochozka Trading brand, and published by Pterodon Software. It was the first Czech video game to use Sound Blaster. Wikipedia