Plot: Angel's Feather is a Japanese boys' love visual novel game created by BlueImpact, which was originally released on April 25, 2003 for Windows, and later ported to the PlayStation 2 by HuneX as Angel's Feather: Kuro no Zanei. In 2006, it was adapted into an OVA, which was animated by Studio Venet. Wikipedia...
Plot: Yu Yu Hakusho: Dark Tournament is a video game for the PlayStation 2 home game console. Based on the popular manga and anime series YuYu Hakusho created by Yoshihiro Togashi, Dark Tournament follows ... Wikipedia
Plot: Pro Evolution Soccer 4 is the fourth installment of Konami's Pro Evolution Soccer football video game series. It's the first game of the series to appear on the original Xbox, with online game. Wikipedia
Plot: Pro Evolution Soccer 2 is the second installment of Konami's Pro Evolution Soccer football video game series. The Japanese release was succeeded by an updated and improved version called World Soccer: Winning Eleven 6 Final Evolution. Wikipedia
Plot: Gran Turismo 4 is a 2004 racing video game for the PlayStation 2, the fourth installment in the main Gran Turismo series and the sixth for the overall series. Wikipedia