Plot: Blackwell is a series of five graphic adventure video games from independent game developer Wadjet Eye Games, created by Dave Gilbert. The plots of the games generally focus on Rosangela Blackwell, a spiritual medium, and her spirit guide Joey Mallone, who work to help ghosts transition to the afterlife...
Plot: The Shivah is a point-and-click adventure game from 2006, designed and developed by Dave Gilbert with the assistance of others, including voice actors and artists. It is notable in that it features a rabbi as its protagonist and explores themes related to the Jewish faith. Wikipedia
Plot: The Adventures of Willy Beamish is a graphic adventure game developed by Dynamix and published in 1991 by Sierra On-Line. The player takes on the role of nine-year-old Willy Beamish in a game that somewhat parodies the adventure genre. Wikipedia
Plot: Freddy Pharkas: Frontier Pharmacist is a comic Old West adventure computer game created by Al Lowe and Josh Mandel and published by Sierra On-Line in 1993. It was dubbed the Blazing Saddles of computer games by Computer Gaming World. Wikipedia
Plot: Flight of the Amazon Queen is a graphical point-and-click adventure game by Interactive Binary Illusions originally released in 1995 for Amiga and MS-DOS, and re-released as freeware in 2004 for use with ScummVM. Wikipedia
Plot: Runaway: A Road Adventure is a 2001 graphic adventure game developed by the Spanish company Pendulo Studios and published by Dinamic Multimedia. Wikipedia
Plot: Roberta Williams' Laura Bow in The Dagger of Amon Ra is a computer game published by Sierra On-Line in 1992. The game is the second and final installment in the Laura Bow Mysteries line of adventure games, the first of which was The Colonel's Bequest. Wikipedia