Plot: Tetris Battle Gaiden is a puzzle video game developed and published in 1993 by Bullet Proof Software for the Super Famicom. Released only in Japan, the game is a variant of the Tetris series involving multiplayer battles comparable to those of the Puyo Puyo and Columns series of video games. Wikipedia...
Plot: Tetris is a tile-matching video game created by Russian software engineer Alexey Pajitnov in 1984. It has been published by several companies, most prominently during a dispute over the appropriation of the rights in the late 1980s. Wikipedia
Plot: Tetris Battle Gaiden is a puzzle video game developed and published in 1993 by Bullet Proof Software for the Super Famicom. Released only in Japan, the game is a variant of the Tetris series involving multiplayer battles comparable to those of the Puyo Puyo and Columns series of video games. Wikipedia...