Plot: Eufloria is a real-time strategy video game developed by British studio Omni Systems Limited, consisting of independent developers Alex May, Rudolf Kremers and Brian Grainger. It was named after the Dyson tree hypothesis by Freeman Dyson that a tree-like plant could grow on a comet. Wikipedia
Plot: Machines at War 3 is a real-time strategy video game developed by Isotope 244 and published in September 2012 for Windows and on November 10, 2012 for Mac OS X. It is the direct successor of Land Air Sea Warfare and is the third part of Machines at War. Wikipedia
Plot: SuperPower 2 is a real-time strategy wargame developed by Canadian based GolemLabs and published by DreamCatcher Interactive in 2004, following SuperPower. It was released between October 11 and November 19, 2004 in North America and Europe, respectively. Wikipedia