Plot: Tekken Revolution was a free-to-play fighting video game developed and published by Namco Bandai Games. It was released on the PlayStation 3 via the PlayStation Store in June 2013. It is the first game in the Tekken franchise to be made free-to-play and the first to be released exclusively in digital...
Plot: Tekken 7 is a fighting game developed and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment. It is the ninth overall installment in the Tekken series. Tekken 7 had a limited arcade release in March 2015. Wikipedia
Plot: Tekken 3D: Prime Edition is a fighting game in the Tekken franchise, released exclusively for the Nintendo 3DS, making it the second Tekken game to be released for a Nintendo platform after the 2001 game Tekken Advance. Wikipedia
Plot: Tekken is a Japanese media franchise centered on a series of fighting video and arcade games developed and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment. The franchise also includes film and print adaptations. Wikipedia
Plot: Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection is a fighting video game and an update to the PlayStation 2 game Tekken 5. The arcade version was released in Japan in December of 2005 and later worldwide in February of 2006, while the PSP version was released as a home version of the Tekken series later that year in July...
Plot: Tekken's Nina Williams in: Death by Degrees, known in Japan as Death by Degrees Tekken: Nina Williams, is an action-adventure game by Namco. It is initially a spin-off from the Tekken series of fighting games. Originally announced with the title Nina, the game was released for the PlayStation 2 in...