Plot: Active Worlds is an online virtual world, developed by ActiveWorlds Inc., a company based in Newburyport, Massachusetts, and launched on June 28, 1995. Users assign themselves a name, log into the Active Worlds universe, and explore 3D virtual worlds and environments that others have built. Wikipedia...
Plot: Out There is an Android and iOS game by French indie developer Mi-Clos Studio, released on February 27, 2014. It was later released on PC, Mac and Linux through Steam. An enhanced version titled Out There: The Alliance was released on the Nintendo Switch on April 9, 2019. The story begins in the 22nd...
Plot: Sansar is a social virtual reality platform developed by the San Francisco-based firm Linden Lab, and now owned by San Francisco-based firm Wookey Project Corp.. It launched in creator beta to the general public on July 31, 2017. Wikipedia
Plot: Entropia Universe is a massively multiplayer online virtual universe designed by the Swedish software company MindArk, based in Gothenburg. Wikipedia
Plot: The Sims Online, also known as EA-Land, was a massively multiplayer online variation on Maxis' computer game The Sims. It was published by Electronic Arts and released in December 2002 for Microsoft Windows. Wikipedia
Plot: Habbo is an online community aimed at teens and young adults. Habbo is owned and operated by Sulake, a Finnish company. Founded in 2000, Habbo has expanded to nine online communities, with users in more than 150 countries. Wikipedia
Plot: Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force is a video game for the Nintendo DS based on Disney's massively multiplayer online game Club Penguin. It was released in North America on November 25, 2008, in Europe on March 13, 2009, and in Australia on April 16, 2009. Wikipedia