Plot: The Rescue of Princess Blobette is a video game for the Game Boy and the sequel to the Nintendo Entertainment System game A Boy and His Blob: Trouble on Blobolonia. It was published in North America by Imagineering's parent company Absolute Entertainment and in Japan by Jaleco. It was published by...
Plot: Desert Speedtrap Starring Road Runner & Wile E. Coyote is an action game developed by Probe Entertainment, that was released in 1994 for the Sega Master System console and Sega Game Gear color handheld system. Wikipedia
Plot: The Ultimate Stuntman is a 1990 video game developed by Codemasters and published by Camerica for the Nintendo Entertainment System, featuring action game elements. The Ultimate Stuntman is one of 14 video games published by Camerica for the NES without proper licensing. Wikipedia
Plot: Dennis the Menace is a multiplatform video game based on the 1993 film of the same name. The object in all versions of the game is to defeat a burglar who managed to find Dennis' town via the local railroad connection. Wikipedia
Plot: Earnest Evans is a 1991 action platform game which was released in Japan for the Sega Mega-CD, and in North America for the Sega Genesis. The game was developed and published by Wolf Team in Japan, and was published in North America by Renovation. Wikipedia
Plot: Turbo the Tortoise is a platform game published in 1992 by Hi-Tec Software, developed by Visual Impact for the ZX Spectrum, Amstrad CPC and Commodore 64. Wikipedia