Plot: Heroes of Jin Yong, first published in 1996, is a tactical role-playing game based on the storyline and characters in Jin Yong's Wuxia novels, developed by Heluo Studio. In the game, the player takes on the role of present-day protagonist, who wakes up one day to find himself in the ancient Chinese...
Plot: Mario Kart is a series of go-kart-style racing video games developed and published by Nintendo as spin-offs from its trademark Super Mario series. Wikipedia
Plot: Bright Memory, also known as Bright Memory: Episode 1, is a first-person shooter hack and slash video game developed by Chinese independent developer FYQD Personal Studio. Wikipedia
Plot: Martial Kingdoms is a 2003 Taiwanese single-player strategy video game developed by T-Time Technology. The plot is based on wuxia novels and set in the wulin of 16th-century China. It has a sequel, Martial Kingdoms 2, which was released in 2007. Wikipedia
Plot: Dead Cells is a roguelike video game inspired by Metroidvania-style games, developed and published by Motion Twin. After a year in early access, Dead Cells was released for Linux, macOS, Microsoft Windows, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on August 7, 2018. Wikipedia