Plot: SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy is a fighting game developed for PS4 by SNK and for Nintendo Switch by Abstraction Games. The game was released for the Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4 in September 2018, and was published in Japan and Asia by SNK and SEGA and in North America and Europe by NIS America...
Plot: The Last Blade is a fighting game developed and released by SNK for the Neo Geo system in 1997. It was also ported to several home systems. A sequel, The Last Blade 2, was released in 1998. The game takes place during the Bakumatsu era in Japan, and incorporates various elements of Japanese mythology...
Plot: Taiko no Tatsujin is a series of rhythm games created by Namco. In the games, players simulate playing a taiko drum in time with music. Wikipedia