Plot: Swordquest is an unfinished series of video games produced by Atari, Inc. in the 1980s as part of a contest, consisting of three finished games, Earthworld, Fireworld, and Waterworld, and a planned fourth game, Airworld. Wikipedia
Plot: Demons to Diamonds is a fixed shooter for the Atari 2600 produced by Atari, Inc. and released in 1982. It was programmed by Nick Turner with graphics designed by Alan Murphy. Nick Turner previously ported Super Breakout to the 2600. Wikipedia
Plot: Stellar Track is an Atari VCS game developed by Rob Zdybel of Atari, Inc. and published by Sears under the Tele-Games brand in 1980. It is one of three such games that were released only through Sears. Wikipedia
Plot: Slot Racers is a video game for the Atari VCS published by Atari, Inc. in 1978. It was the first game written by Warren Robinett, who went on to create one of Atari's most successful games for the 2600, Adventure. Wikipedia
Plot: Circus is an arcade game released by Exidy in 1977. The game is a re-themed variant of Atari's Breakout, where the player controls a seesaw and clown in order to pop all the balloons in the level. Wikipedia
Plot: Maze Craze: A Game of Cops and Robbers is a 4K cartridge for the Atari Video Computer System developed by Rick Maurer and published by Atari, Inc. in 1980. In Maze Craze, two players compete to be the first to escape a randomly generated, top-down maze. A range of game variations make play more interesting...
Plot: Double Dunk is a basketball video game developed by Atari Corporation and released in 1989 for the Atari 2600. Programmed by Matthew Hubbard, who previously wrote Dolphin and Zenji for Activision, Double Dunk was one of the last games produced by Atari for its well-known console. Wikipedia
Plot: RealSports Football is a 1982 American football video game made by Atari, Inc. for the Atari 2600. Versions for the Atari 5200 and Atari 8-bit family followed in 1983. It is part of the RealSports series of games. RealSports Football presents a simplified version of football for play. Wikipedia
Plot: Flag Capture is a video game published in 1978 by Atari, Inc. for the Atari Video Computer System. It is based on the traditional game Capture the flag. The game was designed and programmed by Jim Huether. The cover art for the game is by John Enright. The game was later included with the Atari Flashback...
Plot: Dodge 'Em is a driving-themed maze game programmed by Carla Meninsky and published in 1980 by Atari, Inc. for the Atari VCS. It is based on a single screen of four concentric roadways, much like Sega's 1979 Head On arcade game. Sears released the game for the Sears Video Arcade under the name Dodger...