Plot: Pop'n Tanks! is a 1999 Japanese video game released for the Sony PlayStation. It was developed by Symbio Systems and published by Enix. The game was directed by Jun Matsumoto, while manga artist Mine Yoshizaki provided character designs. The game is a tank combat game, featuring one on one battles...
Plot: Brave Prove is a 1998 Japanese video game for the PlayStation. It was developed by Data West Corporation, and directed by Noburo Nishizawa. It is a 2D action role-playing game with real time combat and top-down perspective. Wikipedia
Plot: Harmful Park is a 1997 horizontally scrolling shooter video game developed and published by Sky Think Systems for the PlayStation in Japan. Set in a theme park, the game has been described as a cute 'em up and resembles Konami's Parodius games. Wikipedia
Plot: TwinBee RPG is a role-playing video game for the PlayStation. It is a spin-off of the TwinBee shoot-'em-up series featuring a storyline based on the TwinBee Paradise audio drama serial. It was released exclusively in Japan. Wikipedia
Plot: Mitsumete Knight is a dating sim game developed by Konami and Red Company and published by Konami. It was released in 1998 for the PlayStation. Wikipedia
Plot: Racing Lagoon is a 1999 video game developed and published by Square. The game is unique in that it combines street racing with role-playing elements. Wikipedia
Plot: Tobal 2 is a 3D fighting video game developed by DreamFactory and released by Square in Japan in 1997. It is the sequel to Tobal No. 1. The game was re-released in 2007 under Square Enix's Legendary Hits label. Wikipedia
Plot: Gradius Gaiden is a 1997 horizontal-scrolling shooter video game developed and published for the PlayStation by Konami. Players control one of four different starships in their mission to eradicate the Bacteria army from destroying the planet Gradius. Wikipedia
Plot: Atelier Marie: The Alchemist of Salburg is a role-playing video game developed by Gust Co. Ltd., and the first title within the Atelier game series. Wikipedia
Plot: Star Gladiator - Episode 1: The Final Crusade is a 1996 weapon-based 3D fighting game released by Capcom for the PlayStation-based ZN-1 arcade hardware. It was Capcom's first in-house polygonal fighting game. A PlayStation port was released in October 1996. It was followed by a single sequel, Plasma...
Plot: Dragon Valor is an action role-playing game developed and released by Namco for the Sony PlayStation on December 2, 1999 in Japan. It is the third game in the Dragon Buster series, and features platform and hack and slash elements. Wikipedia