Plot: Lost in Blue: Shipwrecked is a survival game developed by Hudson Soft and published by Konami for the Wii video game console. It was first released in Japan, and was later released in North America in 2008. It is the latest title in the Survival Kids series. Wikipedia
Plot: Survival Kids, known as Stranded Kids in Europe and Survival Kids: Kotou no Boukensha in Japan, is a Game Boy Color game developed by Konami that was released in 1999. The gameplay revolves around surviving on a deserted island. Wikipedia
Plot: Lost in Blue 3 is a survival game developed by Matrix Software and published by Konami for the Nintendo DS handheld video game console. It is the sequel to Lost in Blue 2. It was released on December 20, 2007 in Japan with the US version released on March 18, 2008. Wikipedia
Plot: Lost in Blue 2 is a survival game developed by Matrix Software and published by Konami for the Nintendo DS handheld video game console. It is the sequel to Lost in Blue. The game was followed by Lost in Blue 3. Wikipedia
Plot: Lost in Blue is a sandbox style video game for the Nintendo DS handheld system, and is a continuation of Konami's Survival Kids series. Lost in Blue follows two young teenagers, Keith and Skye, who struggle for survival on a deserted island. Wikipedia