Plot: 4th Super Robot Wars is a tactical RPG for the Super Famicom developed by both Banpresto and Winky Soft and published by Banpresto. It's the 5th entry in the classic Super Robot Wars series and the last entry in the Divine Crusaders Arc. Wikipedia
Plot: Super Robot Wars Gaiden: Masoukishin The Lord Of Elemental is a role-playing video game video game developed by Winkysoft and published by Banpresto, which was released in Japan in 1996. The first Super Robot Wars title to give original characters the spotlight, exclusively. Wikipedia
Plot: Super Robot Wars Alpha Gaiden, or simply, Alpha Gaiden, is a video game for the PlayStation, first released in Japan in 2001. It is the first side-story in the Super Robot Wars Alpha series, continuing from Super Robot Wars Alpha. Wikipedia
Plot: Super Robot Wars Gaiden: Masoukishin The Lord Of Elemental is a role-playing video game video game developed by Winkysoft and published by Banpresto, which was released in Japan in 1996. The first Super Robot Wars title to give original characters the spotlight, exclusively. Wikipedia