Plot: Ninja-kun: Adventure of Devil Castle is the first video game in the Ninja-kun series. It was released for arcades, on the Famicom, and MSX by Jaleco in 1984. The MSX version was the only version released outside of Japan, as it was released in Europe under the name Ninja. Wikipedia
Plot: JaJaMaru no Daibouken is a Family Computer video game that was released exclusively for a Japanese market in 1986. The player controls a red ninja, JaJaMaru, as he progress through a series of Japanesque levels defeating evil spirits that have spread across the land. Wikipedia
Plot: Sutte Hakkun is a 1997 action puzzle game featuring a character of the same name developed by Indieszero with Nintendo R&D2 and published by Nintendo for the Super Famicom's add-on, the Satellaview, datacasting on November 2, 1997, and three different updates involving new puzzles were released from...
Plot: Shounen Ninja Sasuke is an action-adventure game released by Sunsoft for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System in 1994. The game was supposed to be released in English as Boy Ninja Sasuke. Wikipedia
Plot: Super Ninja Boy is an action role-playing game released for the Super NES. It features random encounters with side-scrolling battles, although some boss battles are fought with a traditional menu-based system. There are also a few platforming sections. In single-player mode, the main character is Jack...