Plot: Momotaro Dentetsu is a long-running board game-style video game series in Japan; in which players travel by rail, ship, and airplane; attempting to acquire wealth through business transactions buying properties; and dealing with rival entrepreneurs and nemeses such as the God of Poverty. Wikipedia
Plot: Momotaro Dentetsu 2017: Tachiagare Nippon!! is the first Momotaro Dentetsu for the Nintendo 3DS and is developed by Valhalla Games. It is normally owned by Konami but it was licensed to Nintendo.
Plot: Momotarō Dentetsu 12: Nishinihon Hen mo ari Masse! is a video game in the Momotaro Dentetsu series of board game-style video games, genre released in 2003 by Hudson Soft for the PlayStation 2 and Nintendo GameCube. The game was only released in Japan. Wikipedia
Plot: Momotarō Dentetsu 11: Black Bombee Shutsugen! No Maki is a video game in the Momotaro Dentetsu series of board game-style video games, genre released in 2002 by Hudson Soft for the PlayStation 2 and Nintendo GameCube. The game was only released in Japan. Wikipedia