Plot: Arabian is a platform game created by Sun Electronics. In 1983, it was published in arcades by Sun in Japan and Atari, Inc. in North America. The player assumes the role of an adventurous Arabian prince whose goal is to rescue the princess from her palace. Wikipedia
Plot: Ikki, is an arcade game originally released by Sunsoft in 1985. The game was released for the Famicom on November 28 of the same year, and is a multi-directional scrolling action game which contains some elements of a top-down shooter. The game is known outside Japan as Boomerang and Farmers Rebellion...
Plot: Atlantis no Nazo is a side-scrolling platform video game developed and published by Sunsoft and released for the Family Computer in 1986. The game is set in the mythical land of Atlantis. The player controls an amateur adventurer named Wynn, whose objective is to save his master being held captive...
Plot: Clock Tower II: The Struggle Within, known in Japan as Clock Tower: Ghost Head, is a horror-themed adventure game developed by Human Entertainment and released for the PlayStation in 1998. It is the third game in the Clock Tower series. Wikipedia
Plot: Gran Turismo 2 is a racing game for the PlayStation. Gran Turismo 2 was developed by Polyphony Digital and published by Sony Computer Entertainment in 1999. It is the sequel to Gran Turismo. Wikipedia
Plot: Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter is a crossover fighting video game developed and published by Capcom. It is the sequel to X-Men vs. Street Fighter and the second installment in the Marvel vs. Capcom series. The game was first released as an arcade game in 1997. Wikipedia