Plot: Seymour Goes to Hollywood, also known as Seymour at the Movies, is a platform and adventure game developed by Big Red Software and originally published in Europe by Codemasters in 1991. Players control Seymour, a small potato-like creature who wishes to be a film star. Wikipedia
Plot: Seabase Delta is a text adventure game by Firebird released in 1986 for the Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64, and ZX Spectrum home computers. It is the sequel to Subsunk. Wikipedia
Plot: Steg, also known as Steg the Slug, is a platform and puzzle video game. Steg was developed by Big Red Software and published by Codemasters in 1992 on a number of 8-bit and 16-bit computers. Wikipedia
Plot: Son of Blagger, the sequel to Blagger, is a scrolling platform game created by Tony Crowther and released by Alligata for the Commodore 64 computer in 1983. A ZX Spectrum port by Elliot Gay and a BBC Micro port were released in 1984. Wikipedia
Plot: CJ's Elephant Antics is a platform video game developed by Genesis for the Commodore 64 with conversions made for the Amiga, Atari ST, ZX Spectrum and Nintendo Entertainment System. All ports were handled by Genesis with the exception of the ZX Spectrum version which was handled by Big Red Software...
Plot: Hero of the Golden Talisman is an action-adventure video game developed by British studio Mr Chip Software and published by Mastertronic in 1985 for the Commodore 64. A port to the Amstrad CPC followed. It is an early example of the Metroidvania style, despite preceding both of the genre's namesakes...