Plot: Super Team Games is an NES video game developed by Human Entertainment and published by Bandai in Japan and Nintendo in America. The game is one of the many games that made use of the Power Pad. The game includes four olympic styled sports events.
Plot: Rally Championship is a series of loosely related rally video games, focused on rally racing and based on what is now known as the Wales Rally GB. The series began in 1988 with Europress' Lombard RAC Rally game and ended in 2002. Each game in the series had many different front covers. Wikipedia
Plot: Golf Grand Slam is a 1991 golf simulation game for the Nintendo Entertainment System. It features all the small details of real golf, such as wind, angle at which the ball is hit, etc. The game uses a password feature and up to four people can play. Wikipedia
Plot: Athletic World is a video game released for the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1986 and 1987. It was developed and published by Bandai. This game notably is one of the games to have compatibility with the Power Pad itself.
Plot: Hoops is an NES basketball video game that was released in 1988 for a Japanese audience and in 1989 for a North American audience. In Japan, the game is known as Moero!! Junior Basket - Two on Two, which a part of Moero!! sports series. The game is set to be re-released for the Evercade platform in...
Plot: The Pokémon World Championships is an invite-only esports event organized by The Pokemon Company. It is held annually in August and features games from the Pokémon series such as the Pokémon video games, Pokémon Trading Card Game, Pokkén Tournament and Pokémon Go. Wikipedia
Plot: Puss 'n Boots: Pero's Great Adventure is a video game released in 1990 by Electro Brain for the NES. There was a Japan-only prequel called Nagagutsu o Haita Neko: Sekai Isshū 80 Nichi Dai Bōken. It was loosely based on Jules Verne's book Around the World in Eighty Days. Wikipedia