Plot: Prime World: Defenders is a cross-platform collectible card Tower Defense game set in the Prime World universe. The game uses a Free-to-play distribution model. In December 2012 Prime World: Defenders was announced and released for beta testing. In June 2013, Prime World: Defenders was released on...
Plot: March of Empires is a MMORTS video game developed by the French video game developer and publisher Gameloft released in 2015. It is available as a freemium game in the Windows Store, Steam, Google Play and Apple App Store. Wikipedia
Plot: Sniper Fury is an online single player video game developed and published by Gameloft. The action of Sniper Fury takes place in the near future. Technological development and geopolitical changes rendered former methods of resolving conflicts obsolete. Wikipedia
Plot: Tiny Troopers is a top-down squad-based multidirectional shooter developed by Finnish studio Kukouri Mobile Entertainment and published by Chillingo, Iceberg Interactive and Game Troopers. It was released on 24 August 2012 for PC and on 7 June 2012 for iOS. Wikipedia
Plot: Imperia Online is a persistent, browser-based, massively multiplayer, online real-time strategy game developed by the Bulgarian game production company Imperia Online JSC. It was originally released on August 23, 2005. Set in a Medieval world, Imperia Online is a predominantly militaristic strategy...