Plot: Kaze Kiri, also known as Kaze Kiri: Ninja Action, is a 1994 Japanese video game for the PC Engine CD-ROMΒ² system. Developed and published by Naxat Soft the game was released only in Japan. It is a side scrolling ninja game set in feudal Japan. Wikipedia
Plot: Rusty is an action video game developed and published by C-Lab in Japan in July 1993 for PC-98, Epson PC, and MS-DOS, with direction, writing and programming by Naoto Niida, production by Masayoshi Koyama, and music by Masahiro Kajihara, Kenichi Arakawa, and Ryu Takami. Wikipedia
Plot: Variable Geo, also known as V.G., is a Japanese 2D fighting game / eroge series developed and published by TGL under their Giga brand. Their Giga brand was used for their home computer games while their TGL brand was used for their console games. Wikipedia