Plot: Anna is a 2012 puzzle video game for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. Narratively a psychological horror set in an abandoned sawmill nestled high in the Italian mountains, Anna challenges the player to uncover horrific clues and use them to solve puzzles related to the player character's dark...
Plot: Post Mortem is a murder mystery adventure game by Microïds, released in 2002. Its sequels are Still Life and Still Life 2. The game was also released in French, Italian, German and Spanish. Wikipedia
Plot: Sinking Island: A Jack Norm Investigation is a third-person perspective adventure game that uses point and click game mechanics. Released in France on October 4, 2007. it was developed by White Birds Productions, a company founded and led by Benoît Sokal. Wikipedia
Plot: The Haunted Carousel is the eighth installment in the Nancy Drew point-and-click adventure game series by Her Interactive. The game is available for play on Microsoft Windows platforms. It has an ESRB rating of E for moments of mild violence and peril. Wikipedia
Plot: Rocky Interactive Horror Show is a point-and-click adventure game developed by On-Line Entertainment in conjunction with Transylvania Interactive and published by On-Line exclusively for Microsoft Windows. Wikipedia
Plot: Amerzone is a first-person fantasy graphic adventure game published by Microïds and designed by Benoît Sokal, who based it on his 1986 Inspector Canardo comic strip L'Amerzone. Wikipedia
Plot: Leisure Suit Larry 6: Shape Up or Slip Out! is the fifth entry in the Leisure Suit Larry series of graphical adventure games published by Sierra On-Line. Originally developed for MS-DOS in 1993, an enhanced CD-ROM version was published a year later. Wikipedia
Plot: Still Life is a 2005 adventure game by Microïds. Still Life is a sequel to Post Mortem. A sequel, Still Life 2, was released in 2009. The game has since sold 240,000 copies worldwide. A major theme throughout the game is art, especially the technique of still life that the game is named after. Wikipedia...
Plot: The Bunker is a full motion video adventure horror video game developed by British game developer Splendy Games and published by Wales Interactive. It was released on Microsoft Windows, OS X, PlayStation 4 on 20 September 2016 followed by Xbox One on 23 September 2016 and Nintendo Switch on 9 April...