Plot: Xak Precious Package: The Tower of Gazzel is a fantasy role-playing video game developed and published by the Japanese software developer MicroCabin. The game is a direct sequel to Xak: The Art of Visual Stage and Xak II: The Rising of the Red Moon. Wikipedia
Plot: Arcus II: Silent Symphony is a computer game developed and released in Japan by Wolf Team. Narumi Kakinouchi, co-creator of Vampire Princess Miyu, was the art director for this game. The music for the game was composed by Masaaki Uno, Motoi Sakuraba, and Yasunori Shiono. Wikipedia
Plot: Xak II: Rising of the Redmoon is a fantasy role-playing video game developed and published by the Japanese software developer MicroCabin. It is a direct sequel to Xak: The Art of Visual Stage. Wikipedia
Plot: Fire Hawk: Thexder - The Second Contact, also known as Firehawk: Thexder 2, Firehawk or Thexder II, is a video game developed and published by Game Arts for the MSX2, MS-DOS and PC-8801 in 1989 as a sequel to Thexder only in Japan. The MS-DOS version was later released by Sierra On-Line. Wikipedia