Plot: House of the Dead: Scarlet Dawn is a horror-themed rail shooter arcade game developed by Sega Interactive, and is the fifth title in The House of the Dead series, following the release of The House of the Dead 4 in 2005. It was scheduled for location testing on January 19 21, 2018 in Akihabara, Japan...
Plot: Border Break: Sega Network Robot Wars, is a third-person mecha action arcade game developed by Sega. It is the first title to run on Sega's RingEdge arcade system board, and was released on September 9, 2009 in Japan, in Hong Kong on January 25, 2010, and in Taiwan on April 1, 2010. Wikipedia
Plot: World Club Champion Football is a Japanese collectible card game and football/soccer sports arcade game produced by Sega. The player assembles a squad by collecting and trading specially marked cards, produced by Panini. Wikipedia
Plot: Let's Go Jungle!: Lost on the Island of Spice is a joystick-mounted gun arcade game by Sega. The game was released on June 27, 2006. Players take the roles of Ben and Norah stranded on a jungle island which has been overrun by monsters. Wikipedia