Plot: Star Wars Episode I: The Gungan Frontier is a video game by Lucas Learning. The players must introduce organisms to the Naboo moon of Ohma-D'un in an attempt to develop a stable ecosystem capable of supporting Gungan colonization.
Plot: Star Wars: Yoda Stories is a 1997 adventure video game based on the Star Wars franchise developed by LucasArts. It was preceded by Indiana Jones and His Desktop Adventures. Wikipedia
Plot: Star Wars: Yoda's Challenge Activity Center was a game made by Lucas Learning in 1999. The premise was that after the Battle of Naboo, many things were left to accomplish. You were a promising kid brought to Yoda by Obi-Wan Kenobi, aiding in a quest to complete the tasks.
Plot: Star Wars: Attack Squadrons is a cancelled freemium multiplayer space combat action video game developed by Area 52 Games, originally intended to be published by Disney Interactive Studios and licensed by LucasArts for web browsers, developed with Unity. Wikipedia