Plot: Spore Hero Arena is a science fiction action-adventure game for the Nintendo DS and is a spin-off of Spore Hero which was released in North America on October 6, 2009, and worldwide on October 8. This game is the second Spore game for the Nintendo DS, and focuses more on battling than its predecessor...
Plot: The Sims 2 is a 2004 strategic life simulation video game developed in Redwood City, California studio of Maxis and published by Electronic Arts. It is the sequel to The Sims. The game allows you to create your own Sim, neighborhoods, houses, and families. Wikipedia
Plot: Darkspore was a video game that borrowed creature editing technology from Spore. It was described as a fast-paced, science fiction action role-playing game in which the player battled across alien worlds to save the galaxy from the mutated forces of Darkspore. Wikipedia
Plot: Spore Creatures is a spin-off of Spore, developed by Griptonite Games and published by Electronic Arts, in which a player controls and evolves a creature of their creation. It is a science fiction adventure game. There are two separate, but unrelated games titled Spore Creatures. Wikipedia
Plot: The Spore Creature Creator is a software that allows players to create their own creatures with a standalone version of the Creature Editor from Spore; the software was one of the first aspects of the game to receive focused development, and underwent ten rewrites since the start of development. Wikipedia...
Plot: Spore Hero is the Nintendo Wii spin-off of Spore, developed by Maxis, in which the players focus on creativity and evolution using the unique controls of the Wii. The game was released on October 6, 2009. Wikipedia