Plot: SpellForce 2: Shadow Wars is a 2006 real-time strategy and role-playing video game, developed by Phenomic and published by JoWooD Productions. Wikipedia
Plot: SpellForce 2: Faith in Destiny is the second expansion for SpellForce 2, developed by Indian studio Trine Games. It was released on June 19, 2012, after several delays. Wikipedia
Plot: SpellForce: The Order of Dawn is a 2003 real-time strategy and role-playing video game, developed by Phenomic Game Development and published by Encore, Inc. Wikipedia
Plot: SpellForce 2: Dragon Storm is a combination Real-time strategy and RPG game created by German game developers Phenomic as an expansion to their 2006 release SpellForce 2: Shadow Wars after following the previous games SpellForce: The Order of Dawn. Wikipedia
Plot: SpellForce 2: Shadow Wars is a 2006 real-time strategy and role-playing video game, developed by Phenomic and published by JoWooD Productions. Wikipedia
Plot: SpellForce: The Order of Dawn is a 2003 real-time strategy and role-playing video game, developed by Phenomic Game Development and published by Encore, Inc. Wikipedia