Plot: Daffy Duck: Fowl Play is a 2D platform video game featuring the Looney Tunes character Daffy Duck. It was released for the Game Boy Color in 1999 in North America and 2000 in Japan and Europe. Wikipedia
Plot: Looney Tunes: Marvin Strikes Back! is a Looney Tunes game developed and published by Infogrames for the Game Boy Color in 2000. It is a sequel to Looney Tunes Collector: Alert!, as both share near-identical gameplay. Wikipedia
Plot: Loons: The Fight for Fame is a cel-shaded fighting video game based on the classic Looney Tunes series. It was developed by Warthog Games, published by Infogrames, and released for the Xbox in 2002. Wikipedia
Plot: Cheese Cat-Astrophe Starring Speedy Gonzales is a 2D single-player platform video game developed by Cryo Interactive and published by Sega under license from Warner Bros in 1995 for the Game Gear. Wikipedia
Plot: Porky Pig's Haunted Holiday is a 1995 side-scrolling platform video game developed by Phoenix Interactive Entertainment and published by Sunsoft for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System video game console. Wikipedia
Plot: Daffy Duck: The Marvin Missions is an action video game for the Super NES. A different Game Boy game was released with the same title in North America, with the European Game Boy version known as Daffy Duck, and the Japanese Game Boy version is known as Looney Tunes Series: Daffy Duck. Wikipedia
Plot: Desert Speedtrap Starring Road Runner & Wile E. Coyote is an action game developed by Probe Entertainment, that was released in 1994 for the Sega Master System console and Sega Game Gear color handheld system. Wikipedia
Plot: Bugs Bunny: Crazy Castle 3, is a platform game developed by Kemco as part of the Crazy Castle series. It was originally released as a Japan-exclusive Game Boy title in July 1997 called Soreike!! Kid: Go! Go! Kid starring the character Kid Klown. Wikipedia
Plot: Tasmanian Devil: Munching Madness is a video game developed by British studio M4 Ltd. and released by Sunsoft in 1999 for the Game Boy Color. The game stars the Looney Tunes character Tasmanian Devil. Wikipedia