Plot: Ketzal's Corridors, known in PAL regions as SpeedThru: Potzol's Puzzle and in Japan as Shissou Surinuke Anatousu, is a puzzle video game, developed by Keys Factory and published by Nintendo. It was released on the Nintendo 3DS via the Nintendo eShop. Wikipedia
Plot: Tokyo Crash Mobs is a puzzle game released on the Nintendo eShop for the Nintendo 3DS on August 8, 2012, in Japan and January 17, 2013, worldwide. The game uses full motion video to portray its characters, with the cutscenes using the actors in strange situations. Wikipedia
Plot: Fun! Fun! Minigolf is a minigolf video game developed and published by Shin'en Multimedia for the Wii's WiiWare and Nintendo 3DS' Nintendo eShop digital distribution services. It was first released in North America on December 22, 2008, and later in PAL regions on January 2, 2009 and in Japan on February...
Plot: Bit Boy!! Arcade is an action video game developed by Austrian indie studio Bplus for Nintendo 3DS' eShop service. It was released in the United States on April 17, 2014 and in Europe on April 24, 2014. Wikipedia
Plot: Heavy Fire: Special Operations 3D is an action first person shooter on the 3DS eShop. It is a port of the WiiWare game Heavy Fire: Special Operations