Plot: Space Force: Rogue Universe is a space simulation video game developed by Croatian Provox Games. The game was released in North America in April 2007 by DreamCatcher Games, and was released in Europe by JoWooD Productions and available in August 2007. It was followed by Space Force: Captains. Wikipedia...
Plot: Fate of Hellas is a real-time PC strategy video game, published by JoWood and developed by World Forge. It was released April 4, 2008 in the UK, Germany and France. Wikipedia
Plot: Shadowgrounds: Survivor is a top-down shooter game developed by Frozenbyte; as the sequel to Shadowgrounds. It features three new playable characters, a new Survival mode, graphics enhanced from its predecessor, and an integrated physics engine. Wikipedia
Plot: SAS: Secure Tomorrow is a tactical first-person shooter video game for Microsoft Windows, developed and published by Polish company City Interactive in 2008. The game utilizes Jupiter EX engine. Wikipedia
Plot: Painkiller: Resurrection is a first-person shooter video game developed by Homegrown Games and published by DreamCatcher Interactive. It is a stand-alone expansion to the 2004 Painkiller, and runs on an updated version of PainEngine. It was released for Microsoft Windows in 2009. Wikipedia
Plot: SpellForce 2: Dragon Storm is a combination Real-time strategy and RPG game created by German game developers Phenomic as an expansion to their 2006 release SpellForce 2: Shadow Wars after following the previous games SpellForce: The Order of Dawn. Wikipedia
Plot: Space Siege is an action role-playing game developed by Chris Taylor and Gas Powered Games, published by Sega. The title is a play on the Dungeon Siege series, which is also produced by Gas Powered Games. Wikipedia
Plot: SpellForce 2: Shadow Wars is a 2006 real-time strategy and role-playing video game, developed by Phenomic and published by JoWooD Productions. Wikipedia
Plot: The Guild 2 is a life simulation video game developed by 4HEAD Studios and published by JoWooD Productions. It is the second installment in The Guild series, following Europa 1400: The Guild and preceding The Guild 3. The game was released worldwide in November 2006 for Windows. Wikipedia
Plot: Armies of Exigo is a real-time strategy video game for Microsoft Windows. The game was developed by Black Hole Entertainment, published by Cinergi Interactive and distributed by Electronic Arts. One unique aspect of the game is that it has an underground mode. Wikipedia
Plot: Terrorist Takedown 2 is a low-budget first-person shooter video game developed and published by City Interactive. The game uses the LithTech engine developed by Monolith Productions. Wikipedia
Plot: Sins of a Solar Empire is a 2008 science fiction real-time strategy video game developed by Ironclad Games and published by Stardock Entertainment for Microsoft Windows operating systems. It is a real-time strategy game that incorporates some elements from 4X games; its makers describe it as RT4X....