Plot: Space Invaders Virtual Collection is a 1995 compilation video game developed and published by Taito in Japan for the Virtual Boy. It includes direct ports of the arcade game Space Invaders and its direct sequel Space Invaders Part II, alongside 3D remakes that take advantage of the Virtual Boy's hardware...
Plot: Taito Legends Power-Up is a compilation of classic Taito video games released for the PlayStation Portable system. Patterned after the Taito Legends series for video game consoles, Power-Up marks the first release of the franchise on a portable gaming system. Wikipedia
Plot: Space Invaders Get Even is a video game by Taito for the Wii. Originally intended as a retail release, the game was released as a downloadable WiiWare game instead. It was released in Japan on August 26, 2008, in Europe on November 7, 2008, and in North America on December 1, 2008. Wikipedia
Plot: Space Invaders DX is a 1993 fixed shooter arcade game developed and published in Japan by Taito. It has been re-released for several consoles since, including the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, PC Engine CD, and Sega Saturn several of these conversions use the name Space Invaders: The Original...
Plot: Space Invaders Extreme 2 is the sequel to Space Invaders Extreme. Space Invaders Extreme 2 features new content compared to its predecessor. A cut-down version of the game called Space Invaders Extreme Z has been made available on DSiWare for 500 Points. Wikipedia