Plot: Kobyashi Naru is a 1987 adventure game by Mastertronic. The title comes from the Kobayashi Maru scenario in the Star Trek fictional universe, a training test. The player attempts to complete a series of challenges in order to complete the Kobyashi Naru test. Gameplay is standard for text-based adventures...
Plot: Rigel's Revenge is a text adventure published in 1987 for the Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64, and ZX Spectrum home computers by Mastertronic on their Bulldog label. It was written by British studio Smart Egg Software using a heavily modified version of The Quill, an adventure-authoring package. Wikipedia...
Plot: Seabase Delta is a text adventure game by Firebird released in 1986 for the Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64, and ZX Spectrum home computers. It is the sequel to Subsunk. Wikipedia
Plot: Terrormolinos is a text adventure released by Melbourne House in 1985 for the ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64, Amstrad CPC, BBC Micro and Acorn Electron, all retailing for 7.95. Wikipedia
Plot: Fantasia Diamond is a text adventure game by Kim Topley and published by Hewson Consultants. It was released in 1984 for the Amstrad CPC, Acorn Electron, ZX Spectrum and BBC Micro home computers. Wikipedia
Plot: Kentilla is a text adventure game written by British developer Derek Brewster and published by Micromega. It was later rereleased as a budget title by Mastertronic. Game music composer Rob Hubbard created the score for the Commodore 64 version, while the ZX Spectrum and Amstrad CPC versions were mute...
Plot: Robin of Sherlock is a 1985 adventure game developed by Delta 4 and published by Silversoft. It parodies the earlier games The Hobbit and Sherlock. It was written using The Quill. Wikipedia
Plot: Stormbringer is a computer game written by David Jones and released in 1987 by Mastertronic on the Mastertronic Added Dimension label. It was originally released on the ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64, Amstrad CPC and MSX. A version for the Atari ST was published in 1988. Wikipedia
Plot: Soul of a Robot is a video game sequel to Nonterraqueous for the ZX Spectrum, Amstrad CPC and MSX, released by Mastertronic in 1985. It was sometimes called Nonterraqueous 2. Wikipedia